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Vessel Loops, mini, maxi, supermaxi


Vessel Loops used for intraoperative orientation of anatomic structures.

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Please note: Not all products are available in all countries. Feel free to contact our international sales team about any questions relating to our sales and services.
Jutta Dorenberg
Director International Sales
Tel.: +49 2236 3913 - 405
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Article no. Length Diameter Colour minimal quantity Quantity
3400000250 vessel loops mini red 480 mm 1,0 x 1,5 Red
3400000350 vessel loops mini white 480 mm 1,0 x 1,5 White
3400000450 vessel loops mini blue 480 mm 1,0 x 1,5 Blue
3400000550 vessel loops mini yellow 480 mm 1,0 x 1,5 Yellow
3400000200 vessel loops maxi red 470 mm 1,2 x 2,5 Red
3400000300 vessel loops maxi white 470 mm 1,2 x 2,5 White
3400000400 vessel loops maxi blue 470 mm 1,2 x 2,5 Blue
3400000500 vessel loops maxi yellow 470 mm 1,2 x 2,5 Yellow
3400000600 vessel loops supermaxi red 475 mm 1,5 x 5,0 Red
3400000700 vessel loops supermaxi blue 475 mm 1,5 x 5,0 Blue