Sales only to commercial customers. No sales to consumers within the meaning of §13 BGB.

Manual Resuscitator, pop-off valve


This Resuscitator supports the artificial respiration and heart-lung-reanimation. It is used to ventilate a patient with breathing arrest as well as to maintain the own respiration of the patient and/or to supply additional oxygen. There are different types for adults, children and infants. To meet requirements of different body heights, the compression frequency can be adjusted and a bag in a suitable size can be chosen.

Country availability:
Please note: Not all products are available in all countries. Feel free to contact our international sales team about any questions relating to our sales and services.
Jutta Dorenberg
Director International Sales
Tel.: +49 2236 3913 - 405
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Article no. Application area Overpessure Limitation Resuscitator minimal quantity Quantity
5150000454 resuscitator silicone, Child, 550 ml, wi Child 40 cmH2O 500 ml